The Story Behind I Stay M.A.D.
It's not that we hang on to the emotion of being mad,
but we choose to use that energy to get mad and stay mad.
Motivated And Determined to do what we are created to do!
It's time to Discover, Develop, and Deploy Your Purpose
Driving around one day, a startling revelation hit me. Not once, but twice, people described me as one of the angriest Christians they knew. Strange, right? Well, let me set the record straight. Those who truly know me understand that I deeply care about people, but there are certain things that can ignite my frustration. Bad drivers, for instance. Perhaps you can relate? Or maybe not. Regardless, that day, my daughter looked at me and said, "Daddy, you are always angry." My immediate response was, "Yep. I STAY MAD."
But there was more to my constant anger than met the eye. The truth is, once I decided to really try a life following Jesus Christ, many things on this planet started bothering me. I never understood why until recently.
I started hating the things of this world because it didn't look like what God said His world should look like. Countless days and nights were spent in frustration knowing there had to be more to life than what we have experienced.
I realized that God was allowing me to live out and experience the scripture, John 12:25, "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life."
Most things on this planet were now unsatisfying to me. As I began to seek to fill the void, another scripture revealed itself to me. Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Hearing this, I looked to God for answers more than I ever had before. I embarked on an intentional journey with God, aligning my purpose and assignment with His Kingdom, everything changed.

We firmly believe that once individuals grasp their unique role on this earth, they will recognize the profound reason to exist and truly start living.
Together, let us shatter the chains of depression, emptiness and the grip of suicide by spreading The Message of God's Kingdom culture far and wide. Let us remind one another of the greatness within us and the resilience we possess.